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Writer's pictureOndrea Keigh

Writing Journal: Climbing Mountains at My Desk

Dear Journal,

It has been a while since I posted here. So, an update is in order. I have been steadily climbing the book writing mountain with the view from the top in mind to keep me going strong. I liken this process to hiking up a mountain because it is a challenging process, one I am slow at, which has an extremely rewarding view at the top. But I am getting better, and faster, and I know that no matter what happens, the view I will see from the top (having a book (or books) completed and published) will be worth the hard work! And I can always get better! As with many things in life, writing and publishing novels takes practice and is a skill that takes time to develop. Thanks to those who are on this journey with me and have walked the trail before me; so far, so good!

So where am I on my mountain? To be honest, I have many mountains I want to climb. For the mountain of getting a single story published, I am nearing the top! But as with all hiking expeditions, that is the hardest part. I am looking forward to it!

As I near the top of this first mountain, I am very close to getting my first story released. It is a short story that takes place hundreds of years before the books I am working on. I am so excited that its release is near, and I can't wait to be able to share it with people. More short stories are being written and will be released as well, but probably not until after I publish the books. This short story will hopefully lead to new friends joining me on this journey. I have been blessed to have wonderful friends and family hiking up this mountain with me, and I look forward to meeting more on my way. A view is always better when shared with friends!

I am also nearing the top of the next mountain, getting one novel published. Who knew one could climb two mountains at once! Only those who climb mountains at their desk. Book 1 is in the caring hands of a beta reader who gave terrific feedback on my short story. I look forward to seeing what he thinks of this book. Once it is back in my hands, I will have a better idea of when it will be published. I will also be able to get the page count to my cover editor and get the print covers finalized.

I have gotten higher up on my third mountain than I thought I would at this point! Having more than one book published is a mountain I have learned so much from climbing. Book 2 is back from the content editor. He surprised me by finishing his edits a couple days ago! I was not expecting to have it back until the new year, so I was delighted with his timing. With that round of editing done, book 2 is back in my hands, and I can't wait to get to work on it again. Book 3 and another book I have been plotting are both up on my plotting board. I think I have worked out a much better plotting system than I started with, so I hope this new book I have been working on will be a little easier to edit. Plus, this new plotting strategy is way more fun and organized! I have come to love plotting books, and I already have two that I am actively plotting while I finish editing this first trilogy.

I have always been slow when it comes to hiking, and it has been a while since the last hike. But here I sit, climbing mountains at my desk, mountains I never thought I would find, let alone venture to climb. The view I have been working towards is near. I hope all those who have walked with me this far, making sure I don't give up or stop for too long, will join me for a picnic at the top. But even then, there are more mountains to climb. Mountains that teach one to write better, to persevere, to find community, to do rather than try. And I will continue to develop my skills for writing and life, for these are only some of the things I have learned while climbing mountains at my desk.


Ondrea Keigh


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