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Writer's pictureOndrea Keigh

Writing Fun: All About the New Episode of the Night Rider Adventures!

A large moon with the shadow of a horse and rider in front of it with trees and rocks and a river.

Last month, I released a new short story! The Night Rider Adventures Episode 2 – The Voice! This second episode came about when I was writing my original drafts for the first five episodes of the short story series. I found that there was too much space between the first and second episodes. So much happened between the two stories I had written that I felt I needed to fill in the gaps. Thus came The Voice! It is a story that not only helps bridge the gap between the first episode and the other episodes I have written, but it is also a story that helps explain a crucial part of the novels in the Arlin Trilogy. The first book, The Story, tells about a story that can change the lives and possibly the world of the main characters. But what does that mean? Yes, this is explored in the books, but who discovered this story was so important? Why is it so essential that Ben and his crew get it out to the people of their world? These questions needed answering. The Voice does precisely that. Whether you have read the books or not, this new short story is a great read! If you have not gotten a chance to check it out yet, you can read it here! If you are not on the email list, sign up here to get the first story and the code to access The Voice!

For those who have gotten the chance to read this short story, you may notice that the main character faces off against some pretty strong opponents. When I was writing this story, I wanted to give a glimpse into what the soldiers of darkness are like, as they will be much more prominent characters in the second and third books in the Arlin Trilogy. These agents of evil are the principal manipulators of darkness and pain, and their purpose will grow clearer and clearer with each short story and book. There is one scene where the main character encounters one of these soldiers of darkness up close. I won’t give anything away, but if anything about that scene confuses you, that is okay! I have written some things in the short story, so they won’t give away things in the Arlin Trilogy books! So, stay tuned to my newsletters to find out when that second book will be released!

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