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Picture of the children's book "Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia".

Amelia Bedelia is a special character from my childhood! Her hilariously literal translation of everything was adored by my family when my siblings and I were young and still is to this day. From her adventures in teaching to her “dressing the turkey” mishap, Amelia Bedelia never ceases to entertain! If you have never experienced an Amelia Bedelia book, this month is your month to do so! As kids return to school, this month’s book, Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia, might be a great way to get them in the mood!


Book Details

Title: Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia

Author: Peggy Parish

Illustrator: Lynn Sweat

Theme: School, substitute teacher, having fun.

Plot: Amelia Bedelia must teach a classroom of students.

Page Count: 56



Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia tells the story of Amelia Bedelia’s stint as a substitute teacher. When she is roped into teaching at the local school, Amelia Bedelia must complete a list of tasks with the children that cover everything from roll calls to story problems. Her tendency to translate everything literally makes for some fun entertainment and learning for the children as Amelia Bedelia leads them through a checklist of things they need to complete.

Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia is one of many Amelia Bedelia books I read regularly while developing my reading skills as a child. My favorite parts of this book are when the list instructs her to help each child “plant a bulb” and when she adds a little interactive play into a math problem! I always loved the math problem one because learning math her way seemed so much more fun than learning it from a book! Without a doubt, I give this book five stars!

Let’s see what some families thought!


Family Reviews

Kate and Josiah both loved this book! Kate gave it five stars, saying her favorite thing about the book was that “Amelia Bedelia is quirky and funny!” Josiah agreed, giving this book five hearts and saying that his favorite part was “The yellow apples” adding, “because why.”

A cup of coffee, a scarf, and A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens on a table.

Christmas is one of my favorite times of year to read books. On cold nights, I get blankets and a cozy sweatshirt, put on some relaxing Christmas music, and grab a good, thick book. This year, I have been looking for books, both old and new, to read through, so I thought I would share the list I came up with. Some of these I have read, others I have yet to dive into, but I look forward to reading these Christmas-themed stories!


The Story of Jesus Birth

The story of what Christmas celebrates is over 2,000 years old. The most accurate accounts of this story can be found in biblical texts, but there are some great children’s books that tell the story as well. Here are some options:

Bible – Matthew Chapter 1-2, Luke Chapter 2

The Birth of Jesus – Now You Can Read Bible Stories (Children’s Book)

Humphrey’s First Christmas


Other Stories

Christmas books are not something I read all that often. As much as I love a good, themed book, I tend to only get through one longer book and maybe a few short ones around the holidays. I usually read traditional stories and then watch movies. But I have decided to include some of the books I love to read, along with a couple new ones I look forward to checking out this year!


Children’s Stories That We All Can Enjoy

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The Christmas Miracle of Johnathan Toomey

The Legend of the Christmas Stocking

The Polar Express



The Christmas Carol

The Christmas Spirit

The Christmas Train


Must Read

Silent Night, Holy Night

I wanted to include this book here because it has a powerful message. Having grown up with family and friends in the military, this book hits home. It speaks of a moment when the spirit of Christmas overcame that of war. Christmas is not always a happy time for everyone, and that is okay. But for some, it is the only happy time and treasured so deeply that even war would cease in its face. This short story always reminds me how important the true story of Christmas is to many around the world. I am thankful for this holiday, something so simple yet so impactful that it can stop war and turn a battlefield into a site of celebration and gift-giving. This little account of actual events always inspires me to care for others more deeply and carry that spirit of Christmas throughout the year.


No matter what you read this holiday season, I hope you have a fantastic end to your year! Stay safe and warm, and enjoy some great books!

The cover of The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey with a little wooden lion in front of it.

When I was a kid, almost every Christmas, we would listen to the audiobook of The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey while reading along in the book. This little book came to be one of my favorites because it was a deep story with a happy ending. The kind that makes you want to be kind to everyone, even if they are grumpy. Let’s take a look at what this book is about.


Book Details

Book Title: The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey

Author: Susan Wojciechowski

Illustrator: P. J. Lynch

Theme: Simple kindnesses and friendship can change lives.

Plot: A little boy and his mother meet a grumpy woodcarver to ask if he can fix their nativity collection.

Page Count: 32 pages.


My Review

The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomy is in the top three when it comes to great Christmas children’s stories! This short book tells the tale of a lonely woodcarver who has lost that which is most important to him: family. But there is still hope in the form of a widow and her son and a wooden nativity set.

This story is a little bit of a tearjerker but in the best way. Complete with true Christmas spirit, real-life struggle, and a simple yet meaningful example of what kindness and companionship can do for someone, this story is a must for the holiday season! Susan Wojciechowski does a fantastic job of telling the woodcarver’s story in such a short amount of time. She conveys his emotions and needs so deeply that it amazes me what she accomplishes in only thirty pages. In addition to that depth of emotion, the author also manages to get some laughs in there as well! The little boy’s honesty adds some comedy to the emotional story, and his attempts at honoring the woodcarver’s wishes are adorable! In addition to the beautiful story, this book has amazing illustrations. Their detail clearly shows each character’s emotions and adds just the right touch to this book’s spirit!

I really can’t say enough good things about The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey. I give this book five stars and encourage you to read it with your family, both young and old, this holiday season! But if you want to know what families think of this story, check out the family reviews below!


Family Reviews

Kate and Josiah

Kate gave this book a four-star review, saying that her favorite thing about it was that “It was deeper than most Christmas children’s stories.” Josiah gave this book five hearts, saying he “liked it all.”


Alyssa and Chandler

Alyssa gave this book a five-star review, saying, “I love the classic story of how patient friendship ushers in the opportunity for impact.” Chandler agreed, giving this book five hearts, saying, “I liked all the pictures of carvings!” However, she did want to add that she thought, “It was a little boring.”

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